Unhooked: Breaking Porn Addiction Podcast
Unhooked is a podcast dedicated to helping people break free from porn addiction and other compulsive behaviors related to the internet, sex, and intimacy. Rooted in Buddhist wisdom, neuroscience, coaching, and mindfulness, the show explores practical strategies for lasting recovery and personal transformation. Each episode features leading experts, scientists, coaches, and individuals in recovery, sharing their insights, experiences, and expertise to guide listeners on their path to healing and freedom.
Unhooked: Breaking Porn Addiction Podcast
118. ONE Powerful Tool To Help You Overcome Your Addiction to Pornography
In this episode of the Unhooked Podcast, I discuss how I overcame my addiction to pornography. I emphasize the importance of envisioning a brighter future to break free from unhealthy habits. I share my personal insights and techniques, encouraging you to reflect on your long-term goals and role models. By focusing on the future, I believe you can gain the motivation needed to overcome not just porn addiction, but other detrimental habits as well. Tune in for a powerful tool and inspiring journey towards being your best self.
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00:00 Facing the Future: The Wake-Up Call
00:18 Introduction to the Unhooked Podcast
00:48 The Power of Envisioning
01:29 Long-Term Goals vs. Short-Term Pleasures
02:28 Personal Reflection and Realization
03:45 The Importance of Role Models
06:14 Practical Steps for Reflection
08:04 Final Thoughts and Encouragement
if I don't change this habit, what is going to be my future? That alone, you know, should scare the crap out of you.
For me it was realizing if I kept watching porn every day, three hours a day, four hours a day, I was going to be miserable and alone and I didn't 📍 want that to happen.
What's up ladies and gentlemen. Welcome back to another episode of the unhooked podcast. I'm your host, Jeremy liquids. And on today's episode. Going to revisit a clip that I made for YouTube years ago, talking about how I overcame my own addiction to pornography. And in this clip, I talk about the tool or the technique or the skill of envisioning. And why that is such an important tool in recovery. So stay tuned.
So if you want to break free from porn, there's one important thing that most people overlook. And in this video, I'm going to be talking about one simple thing that you can do to give yourself the best possible chance to break free from some of these unwholesome habits around porn addiction, sex addiction, things of that nature.
And what this topic really relates to is something that I call envisioning. And this is where we take the time out of our day to reflect on the type of life we hope to have for ourselves in the future. So we envision a greater future for ourselves. The reason that this is so important is that when we're addicted to pornography, or sex, or dating apps, or whatever it is, we're usually focused on the short term pleasure that it's going to bring.
Now, there's nothing wrong with pleasure, but when we're entirely focused on short term pleasure, as opposed to long term goals and goals. you know, things we want to bring about for ourself in the long term. If we're just focused on that short term pleasure, we're not going to make any progress on our long term goals.
There's been a lot of studies of some of the most successful people in the world and some of these studies have found that truly successful people, what they do differently is they focus on the long term perspective. So they have this kind of greater time perspective where they're not just thinking about what's important in the short term, they're thinking about where do I want to get in five years, ten years, twenty years.
For myself, you know, when I was breaking free from my own porn addiction, this was It was super powerful and it was actually, in my eyes, I think it was the reflection that really caused me to finally break free from porn addiction. And I still remember to this day, it was, you know, it was so long ago, but I remember stopping and thinking about my future.
And I remember kind of the negative side and the positive side. And I remember thinking, if I continue to watch porn the way I'm watching porn now, I'm You know, if I keep watching multiple hours a day and I'm looking at the type of material that I'm watching, if I keep doing this, what is my future going to bring?
And I thought about, you know, I don't want to be some perverted old man that's still looking at porn when he's in his 60s and 70s. I don't want to be the type of person that's creeping on, you know, 20 year old girls when I'm 65 or 70. And thinking about that future made me realize this is not the future I want for myself.
Now conversely, having this reflection and thinking about what do I want, you know, and I stopped and I thought about who are the people that I look up to. What are some of the role models I have and it might not be a particular person It might be an ideal that you're looking up to it might be a characteristic or a quality That you aspire to have so for me, you know, one of the ideals that I looked up to was this quality of Of masculinity, but for me what that means is this this strength and protectiveness You know, so making others feel safe so not You imposing my selfish desires upon other people, but being a refuge for other people.
You know, when I think of true masculinity and what that means for me, what it means is being a refuge for people. So being a source of safety and protection for those around you, whether it's for other women or for other men, but being a source of strength for people, being a protector, caring for other people, You know, when I think about some of the great people of our generation, someone like Martin Luther King Jr, they endured a lot of suffering, but they use that power.
They use that suffering to protect those who they're fighting for. And that's a real source of strength. And so just, you know, look at the difference there between like, when I thought about what my future would be, if I kept watching porn, I would be some miserable, lonely, perverted old man hitting on college girls.
Or thinking about the future that's possible for myself if I spend time cultivating some of these characteristics. Like, you know, to be in the same even realm of thought of people like Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela or the Dalai Lama. It's a huge difference in the kind of life that it brings about.
And that reflection alone can cause a lot of It can bring out a lot of energy towards your purpose of breaking free from online pornography. And for me, it really did. I mean, even just that first part of thinking,
if I don't change this habit, what is going to be my future? That alone, you know, should scare the crap out of you.
For me it was realizing if I kept watching porn every day, three hours a day, four hours a day, I was going to be miserable and alone and I didn't want that to happen. So the importance of this long term perspective, I can't stress it enough to think about to spend time maybe even once a month, but you know, once a week, once a month, at least once a year thinking about if I continue doing what I'm doing today.
What is that going to mean for my future? This doesn't have to be just about porn. It can be about your diet, you know, what kind of foods you're eating, your nutrition. It can be about, you know, how you're spending time with your loved ones. You know, for me that was another realization that I had is, if I treat my friends the way I'm treating them, you know, I'm gonna be lonely.
If I don't make time for my friends you know, then it's not going to lead me to the places I want it to lead me to. So, I hope that this idea is helpful for you to spend time reflecting on your future, reflecting on both the positives and negatives. If I don't change, what is going to, what is this going to lead to?
And where do I want to go? So if I do change, if I do make these changes. Where is the potential for me? You know, where can I get to and reflecting on your role models is huge finding some people where you say That's how I want to live. You know, I want to be like this person. So I would say if you don't have some role models go do some research They don't have to be real people, they can be fictional.
So often times I will reflect on Gandalf, the white wizard. For me, he's a great source of inspiration. He's the type of person that I want to be. He cares for people, he's wise, he's intelligent, he's powerful. You know, he's a wizard, so it's kind of hard to beat that. So, I hope this has been helpful. If you have questions, let me know.
definitely let me know. You can do a journaling practice, you can just reflect on it, you can bring it into your next meditation and let me know how it goes in the comments below. I would love it also if you subscribed, hit that subscribe button, it's really helpful for me it's like a little boost of confidence for me that I love seeing when you guys are subscribing.
And that's it for today, I'll see you guys next time. Peace out.